Well if you know how sweet-natured my man is--it will probably come as no surprise to you that his birthday is Valentine's Day. Here is the birthday stud with some custom-colored artwork from Lilly and Reid. Lilly was quick to tell him that she "did her best work!"
I got up early to surprise Matt with a birthday breakfast but got a little surprise myself! After I had went to bed, he put out a little Valentine treat for me and both the kids. So in love with that man!
I had to laugh because this is my failed attempt at a heart-shaped pancake...what might be hard for you to see int his picture is that it is stuck inside the cookie cutter and burnt on one side and raw in the middle. Maybe I should have sprayed the cookie cutter and put less batter in??? Either way he ended up with circle pancakes instead of heart ones but I think he was still able to feel the love. (; He had to work (and the kids and I had KDO) and he came and spent his birthday lunch with us at KDO. He received lots of birthday wishes from some fun preschoolers! Ha!
After KDO the kids and I rushed to get everything ready for Matt to come home. First--we had to stop and get balloons. The kids INSISTED that Daddy needed balloons for his birthday! They were really fun this year and were so excited to get ready for Daddy's birthday. Lilly kept telling Matt it was going to be his BEST birthday ever! No pressure for me, right? She also kept inviting everyone we saw, including strangers and check-out clerks, to Daddy's birthday party. I had to politely explain that we weren't actually having a birthday party...but if we were...they would sure be welcome.
The setup. All picked out by two sweet children.
Plates with footballs because footballs are Daddy's favorite...and of course we had to have the mathcing party hats, cups, and napkins!! And the candles on the cake--Lilly was just sure his birthday would not be complete without the "letter candles" (the ones that spell Happy Birthday).
Presents with a card from each of us. Reid picked a birthday dinosaur one, I got a "Happy Birthday" one, and Lilly picked a red Valentine card with sparkly flowers on it. The kids also got Matt a blue football--that was the present that they worked very hard to pick out together. The football was Lilly's idea--the blue was Reid's.
Then the birthday boy requested sausage pizza so I made--from scratch--a sausage pizza.
And a requested chocolate peanut butter cake. Matt came home and we ate dinner and he opened his presents and our sweet friends the Dalmuts came over to sing Happy Birthday and have some cake with us.
(My camera battery is dead and I can't find the charger so this is the best "action" shot I could get with my phone.) Blowing out the candles! We are so thankful for Matt and couldn't ask for a better husband to me or daddy to Lilly and Reid. We love him so much and hope he had a super special birthday!
I also just need to brag on my big girl who signed her name all by herself to each one of her Valentine cards. I am so proud of her!
And because if big sister does it, then he needs to try as well--with my help--Reid signed all of his, too and did a really great job! I can't believe how big these two are getting! I'm a pretty blessed girl!!
1 hour ago