Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Sorry for the lack of blogging...and most importantly, the lack of Lilly and Reid pictures. I do understand that some of you have been suffering from withdrawals. I sincerely apologize. To tell you the truth, I have been a little overwhelmed lately. Our house is a disaster, we have so much going on, and when I do seem to be getting things together someone gets sick. I believe God is using it to teach me to reflect Him even when things are challenging. I am finally getting it--and my "ugly episodes" are getting fewer and fewer. Sometime I wish he would just teach me from the page instead of taking me to school!!! Haha. You know, *poof* you are patient and calm. (c: We have so much to be thankful for this year! To start with, this silly little girl!! She is becoming such a sweet little girl. Yesterday I was sick and she would just come sit on my lap and move my hair out of my face and look at me right in the face (as in nose to nose) and say, "Mommy, K??? And I would say, "Yes, Mommy is okay." Then she would look at Matt and say, "Mommy's sick" and then just cuddle me. It was the best medicine. I am feeling much better today.
This handsome little boy! He is just talking up a storm these days. His favorite new phrase is, "Where'd-it-go??" He is constantly amazing me with what comes out of his mouth!
So is Lilly! We were at Mike and DeDe's and she wanted to get in the pool. (It is freezing here.) We had a conversation that went like this:
Matt and I: No, Lilly. It is too cold outside.
Lilly: No, it's hot.
Matt and I: No sweet girl--It is cold!
Lilly: No, it's hot. The sun (points to the sun) out. The sun is hot.
Where in the world did she learn that?
She also laughs now and says, "That's funny!" She also has the memory of an elephant (you know--they never forget!). We saw Bert and Becca's eye up close on skype weeks ago and she hasn't stopped talking about it since! We have also had to see everyone else's eye when we skype. DeDe had a blow-up Mickey Mouse pumpkin for Halloween and she asked for it the entire time we were there for Thanksgiving. The girl doesn't forget and she is persistent!!!
She sees the camera and says, "I wanna cheese" as in "I want to say cheese". Oh, we made these handprint turkeys on the pumpkins a couple of weeks ago. They turned out pretty cute.
I am so proud of the sweet little girl she is turning into! Oh sure, she has her toddler moments of fits and terror but for the most part, she is the sweetest little girl that this momma could ask for!
This little laid-back turkey is so busy these days. I thought he was going to be "the easy one". Sheesh--he is into everything!! Plus, he is a climber...and, not totally unrelated...a faller. He keeps me on my toes and stays bruised.
He also has a very sweet personality. He will be playing and just stop and come running over with a huge smile on his face just to hug me. I mean, seriously, how do I ever stand a chance of not being obnoxiously in love with him? I don't.
He jumps. Kind of. He bounces up and down and about once every twenty bounces he manages to get himself off of the ground for an official "jump".
He also likes to dance. If I sing "I like to move it, move it", he starts dancing. He has some moves!!
We are so blessed to have these sweet, healthy, happy children. We are blessed to have each other and a marriage that grows and gets better and better daily. We have an unbelievable family that just spoil us rotten. We have wonderful friends. We have an awesome church and church family that challenge us to be more Christ-like. And, most importantly, we have a relationship that grows daily with the Lord, who has blessed us with everything and has given us just what we can handle and nothing more or less!


Courtney said...

Your little ones are so cute! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving.

BTW-I am watching the rerun of your Duggar episode right now!

Mary Lynn said...

It's easy some days to get really overwhelmed Sara when you have two little ones! You are a great mom so hang in there. Try not to sweat the small stuff! :) Things and schedules are not nearly as important as those two little ones and Matt!