Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July...

Happy 4th of July...on the 5th! Better late than never I always say! (c; I am thankful to live in America. That is one of those "thankfuls" that I often don't really acknowledge and maybe perhaps even take for granted. I am so thankful to live in a country where I can go to church, read the bible, talk about (and blog about) God and how ridiculously much HE loves us--all freely and without fear of penalty of law or death. It is so easy to get caught up in my day-to-day life and be completely oblivious to the fact that there are places all over the world that do not have that freedom, places where Bibles have to be smuggled into the country, churches have to meet secretly knowing that if caught the penalty could be death, and even more scary...the majority of people are Godless.

I am also grateful to the men and women fighting to preserve that freedom. The soldiers here and overseas, the men and women who have died protecting us, their families sacrificing daily while they are away constantly wondering whether or not they are safe. I am also grateful for the people in this country fighting for our freedoms daily in the political system as well. I pray for the safety of these people and the guidance for their leadership.

And, on a much lighter note, I am just giddy about a long weekend to celebrate with my family and the opportunity to relax by the pool, see loved ones, and make lasting memories!


Courtney said...

Happy 4th (5th) of July. You guys look great in your patriotic gear.

Katie said...

It looks like you had a great 4th of July! I share your sentiments about the 4th - what a blessing it is to be an American!!

Stopping by from Jenna's Journey! Your blog is adorable!