Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas!

First, let me explain that I hadn't unpacked my camera when we did Christmas Eve at DeDe's and several other people had their cameras so as soon as I get copies of those pictures I will add them (hint, hint, wink). We went to the Christmas Eve service and went back and ate dinner and opened presents. I will be doing a separate present post later this evening. Then, on Christmas we did lunch with Matt's family. That evening, we went over to MoMo's house. This is a picture of her ready to open those gifts!!
I believe Ethan is tickling Lilly in this picture. As you can see, Lilly was feeling quite festive and just begged me to wear to her Santa cap....or at least that is what I thought she was saying and at this point I am the translator.
Ah, sweet kiss from Blayne.
Hanging with her buddy Jackson.
Ethan was being rocked like a baby by Blayne. Both Ethan and Emma pretended to be Aunt Sara and carried babies named Lilly. You would hear, "What Aunt Sara (not talking to me--to one another)? Lilly is crying! Oh no! Lilly, are you okay?" I went to strap Lilly in her car seat, but one of the other baby Lilly's was already in there and buckled up.
We bought Emma a vanity for Christmas. Here she is helping daddy put it together. That is a screwdriver in her hand.
Dad, I think you missed this one...needs to be tightened just a bit.
Ta Da!
Santa Lilly and Santa MoMo.

Shouldn't you be taking pictures of Lilly?? Matt got this really cool autographed Razorback book for Christmas.
I did remember to get a picture of Lilly with Grandma and Grandpa. This was the third try to get Lilly to look at the camera. Mike was in the process of walking away...but we got all three of them looking at the camera....we will work on the smiles later. I will post other details (like teething) and presents later...I am going to take a nap!

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