Monday, March 22, 2010

Costumes and Check-Ups

Well, Lilly and Reid both ended up with two sets of Halloween costumes. We chose the bugs for Halloween because they matched...but we still had a strawberry costume and a hot dog costume. Well, I didn't want them to go to waste so we did a little photo shoot!!
She loves to point at people...especially Grandma Odie. Ha!
Photo shoots have become much harder now that she is mobile!
It is a good thing she is just super cute from all angles!!
Lilly had her 18 month check-up last week. She weighs 23 pounds 4 ounces. She was 32 and something inches tall. 25th percentile for weight, 75th percentile for height. She has gained less than 3 pounds since she was 9 months old. The doctor said she looked great.
The doctor asked if she was a good eater and Matt and I both said, "NO" in unison. He assured us that was okay and perfectly normal. He said to just try to get all food groups and said that a potato worked great as a vegetable. THANK YOU LORD. I needed that reassurance because I just can't get her to eat healthy--I always feel like other Moms with healthy eaters are judging me. Ha. Now that the doctor has said she will probably still grow up to be a healthy eater--I can relax a little! We just kept telling ourselves that as much as she runs around a few sweets aren't going to do any harm!!
This costume had a little hat and purse that goes with it. You will hear more about that in the next few posts.
Lilly has the sweetest facial expressions. Tonight she kept telling Matt and I "bye" and getting into the cabinet. She would come out and laugh, wave bye-bye, say "bye", and blow kisses. She repeated this cycle for at least 30 minutes. We were all pretty entertained. She just has a bigger-than-life personality and I could just eat her up!! I settle for tons of kisses though. (c:

This is her sneaking it.

Sweet smile!
Precious laugh!
Pure perfection!
Again, so happy that Daddy is home!
She was afraid we were going to make her go inside...this little girl LOVES being outside!
Okay, so this costume was at least one...alright maybe two sizes too small. His knees are all scrunched up and the hat was pretty tight--he is a tall boy! He went for his 6 month check-up last week too!! He weighs 20 lbs. 11 oz. and is 28 and something inches long--90th percentile in both!
He has been all smiles so we were VERY SURPRISED to find out that he had a DOUBLE EAR INFECTION!!!!! Poor sweet boy. However, since we started him on his antibiotic--he hasn't felt very well. I don't know if it is because it is draining the ears or what--but he hasn't been able to sleep and wants to be held all the time. He is generally happy anywhere so I know he isn't feeling better. Today was his best day since we started the medicine so maybe we are over the hump....if not we will be back in the Dr.'s office.
He also broke through 4 new teeth last week--for a grand total of 6 TEETH at 6 months old! That is probably why I had no clue about the ear infection because he was sleeping through the night so when he was wanting a little extra attention I just thought it was the teeth!
Look at those big muscles!!! Other than the ear infections, both kiddos look GREAT! That was a relief because at the last appointment they told us they were going to have to check his head out to make sure his skull bones didn't prematurely fuse. Even though they told us they were almost certain they didn't (they just wanted to be safe and check again this time)--we were still a little worried. Praise the Lord because everything is fine!!! Thank you God for our sweet and healthy babies!!!


Superchikk said...

I'll bet the ear infection was caused by the teeth. They get so much swelling in their mouths when they teethe, their little ears can't drain and get backed up. We had that happen more than once.

And depending on what antibiotic the doc gave you, it could definitely be making him cranky and/or not feel well. There's one I always ask to NOT have...anything but THAT one! It worked, but made Caedmon feel worse. I hope your little guy is feeling better soon, and your little strawberry is adorable!

Todd and Courtney said...

Those are the best costumes ever!!

Leah said...

These pictures are adorable!! Love the ones of Lilly, but when I scrolled down and saw Reid as a hot dog I started cracking up hahah. Looks like you guys are doing great!! We are actually in Benton right now for Craig's mom's wedding.... I will leave my thoughts/comments to myself for this one :) We'll be in AR a lot this summer I'm sure so we should get together again!

Sydney said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I love the costumes