Saturday, May 2, 2009

DeDe and Grandpa Come to Town

Friday, DeDe and Grandpa came to visit. This is Daddy and Lilly anxious for them to arrive. (I love the way he looks at her! (-: )
On a side note, we introduced peas to Lilly this week. Her tongue sticking out is putting it nicely. She was very dramatic about the whole thing...she was gagging and making nasty faces. Hilarious. The second time she ate them wasn't as bad, but she clearly doesn't like them!
Back to the visit, we went to Target, and for the first time we tried having Lilly sit in the cart. It worked for a little while, but then we put her back in the car seat. I am just testing the waters because I am tired of lugging the car seat or stroller in all the stores.
Despite DeDe's arm still healing, she got to hold Lilly for a little while. Checking each other out.
Playing with DeDe.
Grandpa, Lilly, and DeDe. We had such a fun time seeing you guys and shopping. Lilly and her new brother got lots of goodies...I will post pictures of our shopping finds later. Grandpa even did some shopping (I think he might be catching the "Lilly bug"). Thanks for everything...especially coming to visit us!!! Love you guys!
Oh yeah, two big things!!
1. Lilly army-crawled on Monday...only like a foot and a half....hasn't done it since, but I have a feeling it is scary how close to crawling we might be!!
2. TEETH!!!!!!!! This morning both of Lilly's bottom teeth broke through the skin. I was just about convinced that she was going to be gumming it for life..haha.

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