Well, I am sitting here enjoying what my friend Lindsay dubbed "the magic hour"--aka both children napping simultaneously.
Ahhh. The house is as close to clean as it can be before I clean out the closets to make room for all of the new presents and clothes we were so spoiled with for Christmas and dinner (Taco Soup with Black Beans...
mmmmm) is already in the Crock Pot cooking. Plus, today is Matt's Friday so I am looking forward to a three-day weekend! Life is good!!!
So, we went to Benton on the 18
th for Matt's cousin Melissa's birthday party. We showed up to the VFW with both of our babies. Now, we had never been to a VFW and were not aware that is pretty much like a night club. So we walk in with both babies in tow and go through the smoky bar to the party room that is blaring a DJ, totally dark, and pretty much looking like a night club. Oh, I felt like a good parent. Ha. Then, one of the guests used the line from Sweet Home Alabama and said, "Hey, look! There's a baby...in a bar!" Move over parent of the year recipients...here Matt and I come! Ha. Well, obviously we decided to take our babies elsewhere. We went to Matt's Aunt Kay's house for a little while and let Lilly, Reid, Eli, and Colt play until Matt's parents were finished at the party. Then they took the kiddos and we went back. (PS. Mary Lynn--I was so bummed that we weren't able to get back before you left!) It was nice to spend a night out and have possibly a little too much fun and not have to worry about what our babies were doing. Good times.
Then, we hung out with family through the weekend. During this time, Lilly earned a Master's degree in "
Redecorating"--she must get it from her Aunt Becca (who is an interior designer). Matt came back home to work Monday and Tuesday while we stayed in Little Rock with my Momma (aka
MoMo). Lilly LOVED tearing through her pantry.
And, sitting in the fridge! She also cleaned out the cabinets at
DeDe and Poppy's as well as redecorated their entire house. I am sure they are still enjoying her "arrangements".

On Wednesday we went to lunch with Granddaddy. Lilly spent most of lunch on Bert's lap--but she was definitely lively for lunch.
Eating some of Uncle Bert's french fries.
Feeding Uncle Bert some french fries. Look at her face. She thought it was hilarious. She fed him so many fries that he had to start fake eating them.

Christmas night (I am saving Christmas Eve and Christmas morning for this evening's post) we went to
MoMo's and had a delicious dinner. I didn't take a single picture. Oops. Anyway, we played Dirty Santa (the cleanest dirty Santa game ever). Matt won this box of chocolates, Olive Garden gift certificate, and movie tickets! Date night here we come!!!!

Lilly is really into the chocolates. Last night, I told her she could have one last chocolate after dinner. So, I gave her one and
thought that was the end.
She pulled everything off of the dining room table in order to get the chocolates down for herself.
This was the look on her face when we saw what she was doing. Nice.
She is trying to offer us some now.

This is what I won playing dirty Santa. I was so happy to win this...and this is why......

This was our sad set of pot holders. All of them had been burned or had holes in them. Sad looking bunch isn't it??

These were Lilly and Reid's presents from
MoMo. They also each got an outfit and we all got spoiled with stockings FULL of goodies. After presents, we played
Uno Attack and Family Feud. We had a great time. It was a great end to a great Christmas Day.