Last night, we decided to take Lilly and Reid to see Santa!!!

Isn't she just precious? Look at all of those

This is my favorite picture. I just think she looks so angelic!

This is the only way I can get photos of her these days...when she is strapped down in a
Haha. Seriously, we took photos for our Christmas Card tonight. Oh. My. Goodness. Performing brain surgery has got to be easier than getting her to sit still for a photo!

Such a doll! That might be why Santa has gone a wee bit crazy for her this year. Seriously, somebody needs to stop that man so he can't get her another present!

Funny story. Lilly wouldn't go to Santa so we ended up doing a family photo with Santa. I LOVE her face in this photo. Of course Reid decided he wanted to eat like 30 minutes early so he HAD TO HAVE his
paci. Oh well, that is all part of the memories it might as well show in the photo.
After pictures with Santa, we took Lilly to Germ-fest, I mean the play area at the mall so she could play while we fed Reid a bottle. Question for the other Mommas: He is on another nursing strike. Has anyone else ever dealt with this?? Advice? About a month ago, he went through one for a couple of days and I just pumped until he was ready to go back to nursing. I have no idea why he does this, though...any thoughts or knowledge to share?? Thanks in advance.
This little boy was so funny. Every time I got out the camera he came over and got in the picture. Lilly would walk off and he would just sit and smile for me until I took his photo!!!
Really, all she did was watch these boys wrestle. It made me a nervous wreck, but she was just
mesmerized by them. She was not about to get involved (and I was not about to let her if she tried), but she just followed them around watching them. Hope you all have a good day!
Such cute pics, and love the family pic!! BTW, loving your hair, its super cute!!! I let Perri play on those things at our mall occasionally, and mainly she too just likes to watch all the kids haha. Grosses me out at her touching everything but she gets some good hand cleaning throughout being there haha. And yes, we will be in Benton for Christmas!! We would love to meet up sometime!!
So sweet! I love the family picture with Santa. You all look great and after all were never to old to visit Santa! So fun!
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