Saturday night, Aunt
CiCi and
GG Odie (and Uncle Greg) kept Lilly so Matt and I could have date night!! We went to dinner at
TGIFridays (BTW..I had the Jack Daniels Grilled Chicken Sandwich...YUMMY...anywho) and then to the movies to watch Night at the Museum: Battle of the
Smithsonians. I am partial because I loved the first one, but I thought it was cute and funny! We had such a good time and it was really nice to have some couple time. However, once we were heading home from the movie, I really felt like Lilly should be with us.

She spent the night and we got some good sleep (however, she is sleeping really good lately--knocking on wood as we speak--so that hasn't been a huge issue lately) and then we picked her up first thing Sunday morning.
We had a great time! Thanks again guys for keeping our little princess!
Ahhh, now for the videos.
(VIDEO above) This is a video of her kicking her leg and playing. She always lays on her side and kicks whatever leg is on is so cute and funny to watch.
(VIDEO above) This is a video of Lilly soldier scooting for Tank's bone. She is a regular scooting-type crawler now. She goes all over the place. She is really motivated by Tank's bones, her pacifiers, hangers (? go figure), and the diaper bag.
(VIDEO above) This video cracks me up. She is in her highchair...which she turns into a rocking chair! There are a few other things I would like to get on video (i.e. her chasing Tank in the walker) this week. Anywho, we are all caught up on blogging so no more 20 picture posts this week...haha.
Oh my goodness that video of her rocking in her high chair is precious! What a cutie.
Thanks for the comments about Perri!! I love reading your blog and keeping up with you guys, and hopefully some time we can finally meet and our little girls can play!! Where are you guys living? I think Perri and I are coming up to Arkansas sometime this summer during Craig's busy time at work, probably in mid-late July. We'd love to meet up with you!!!
Oh how I wish to be back in Fayetteville!!! Craig and I both went to school there and I miss it and our friends there so much!! What does Matt do there? (as in work haha). Sometimes we talk about moving to Faye but not sure what Craig would do. He does have a vary versatile degree (accounting and finance) and is soon to work on his CPA, so that helps. Anyhow, I miss it!
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