- Well, your personality is really starting to show! Even the doctor said he thought you were going to be a handful! You are becoming slightly strong-willed (you get it honest). If you are playing with something you aren't supposed to be and we take it away, you let us know that you don't appreciate it once we PRY it out of your hands!
- You use Mommy and Daddy to pull up. You just figured out that it works with Daddy too tonight. After that, you already tried to pull up on a couple more things...yikes. Anyway, you are so proud of yourself once you get to a standing position. You get sooo excited. You also have started taking a couple of steps holding onto my hands. I can just see the wheels turning in your head about all of the possibilities!!
- You have started this adorable smile. First, your bottom teeth are really in and make your smile so stinking cute to start with, but you smile this huge smile and then breath really fast in and out with your noses making the cutest sound.
- You want to do whatever we are doing. When I am feeding you, you want your own spoon (you don't want to feed yourself--you want Mommy and Daddy to do that), but you want your own spoon to play with because we have one. You want to try whatever Mommy and Daddy are eating--you just look at us and smack your mouth until we let you have a little taste. You have to hold the lotion while we put it on you at night. You always help me out by carrying my keys to the car for me.
- You are an expert in your walker. I stand on my tip toes in the kitchen so my heels don't get ran into anymore. Tank is also becoming much more agile thanks to your walker driving skills.
- You love your rubber toothbrush. You will chew on it all day long. What is really awesome though is that you like to drool on it and get it really nice and slobbery. Then, you shake it around splashing spit on everyone around! You also try to share it with Mommy and Daddy by trying to stick it in our mouths.
- You LOVE teething biscuits and the little puffs that dissolve in your mouth. You are starting to get the hang of putting them in your mouth, but you really like to be fed rather than feed yourself.
- You also really enjoy the pool. You love to bang things around and together. You have started really playing games (peek-a-boo, this little piggy, tickle monster) and are so interactive! You are also becoming partial to mommy and daddy...if you are tired or nervous...you don't want anyone else!!! You love animals and animal noises...and Mommy sings Old McDonald at least 10 times per day. I know there is more, but this is a pretty good start!
She looks like she is going to give somebody a spanking with that spatula!
There is our sweet and giggly Lilly! Note: Check out the shoes!!
Daddy eating some ribs!!!
The ABOVE VIDEO is of Matt getting Lilly's ribs. It is only a few seconds because my memory card was full....imagine that!!!
1 comment:
Life is good :-) Lilly's beautiful too!
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